I am expressing my gratitude for awarding me the experience certificate. Thank you very much to management. Without their sincere support, I would never have been able to achieve this milestone for which my efforts are being acknowledged today.
Working for [XYZ] organization was a useful experience in my professional life. It was the most beautiful thing which happened to me in my life. Besides, I would like to appreciate the management for sparing some time from their busy schedule and awarding this experience certificate to me. To me, this is not just a piece of paper but a precious thing which has been awarded to me in recognition of my services to your company. I am feeling honoured at this moment.
I don’t have words to express my gratitude. Honestly speaking, this experience certificate means a lot to me. This is something I can carry with me for my whole life. This is something I can show to any organization and in return, I can get a better job in any part of the world. Yes, this is something I can look upon during those moments when I will feel degraded.
There is always a person whom you idolize in your life. As far as I am concerned, my parents and grandfather are my inspirations. They appreciated my success. At this blissful moment, I cannot forget the sincere efforts they vested in me in order to transform me into a successful individual.
I am so grateful for the experience certificate you have awarded to me. I enjoyed every single day while working in your company. This is because of your experience that I am feeling much more confident than before. The knowledge I have gained from you will enable me to pursue my career in any good organization.
Dear Sir,
I was overwhelmed with the feeling of happiness and joy when I received the experience certificate from your worthy organization. I would like to say thank you for awarding me such a precious document which means a lot to me. Apart from a piece of paper, this experience certificate will always serve as an acknowledgement of the valuable services which I rendered for your company.
My recent experience in your organization was a valuable one. I learnt how to behave accordingly in various situations including pressurized ones. I learnt how to cope with the stress which is imposed by various business factors. Apart from it, your department taught me how to analyze various risk factors which play a crucial role in any business.
Besides, I wish to appreciate the cooperative attitude of my colleagues. They always helped me through thick and thin. This is due to your kind support that I have been able to reshape my career.
Just because of this experience certificate, I can get a better job in any good organization in the world. They would be happy to offer me the post of HR manager owing to this valuable document.
Thank you very much for the experience certificate along with all that I learnt while working in your organization as an internee.